Monday 6 November 2017

Lift Me Up - With Embossing Paste

I ran a Class at the end of last month just for Embossing Paste techniques. 

We covered 13 different ways that you can use it - there may be more, but this was already a lot to cover in one class!

My ladies were able to try out most of them and at the end of the class, they used three of their samples to create cards.

This first card uses the Paste directly from the tub. We used it with the Clouds Mask and once this was removed, the Paste was covered in Dazzling Diamonds Glitter.

Once the excess Glitter was returned to its tub, the Paste was covered with Copy Paper and gently smoothed over with your hand. If your Paste is very new, this may not be necessary as the Paste is quite sticky. BUT as you get through the Tub and the Paste starts to dry out some, you will need to 'Press' the glitter into the Paste to ensure it's held there :o)

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